Aqueles que se foram (2019)
fiction – 23min | Brazil
Those who walk away (EN)
Written and directed by
Bruno Christofoletti Barrenha
Sinopsis: A woman has disappeared.
A man is hired to work at the house where she had lived.
Short fiction film presented as the final work for the Bachelor's Degree in Film at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE).
Supervised by Fernando Weller. Presented November 2018, in Recife. Film concluded in 2019.
Film festivals:
- 30. Kinoforum – Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens de São Paulo (Brazil);
- 19. Festival de Cinema de Juiz de Fora e Mercocidades (Brazil);
- 17. Festival Internacional Signes de Nuit (Portugal);
- 13. Curta Taquary (Brazil);
3. MOV – Festival Internacional de Cinema Universitário de Pernambuco (Brazil);
- Mostra Quimerama 2019 - Mostra de cinema independente de ficção científica, horror e fantasia (Brazil).
Produced by
Bernardo Lessa, David Moura, Juliana Gleymir
Director of Photogtaphy
Nuno Aymar
Set Designer
Letícia Barros
Sound Recording
Camila van-Lume, Ícaro S. Muniz
Assistant Director
Carlos Aquino
Assistant Photography, Data Wrangler
Letícia Batista
Editing, Sound Design, Postproduction
Bruno Christofoletti Barrenha
Jozy Gonçalves, Josué Rodrigues, Almir Mitto, Walter Damatta, Carla Patrícia, Michelly Luz, Ramos Chaveiro, João Régis Júnior, Dona Adriana F., Rodrigo, Orlando Lionel, Ronaldo Sobreira Jr.
Anna Verenna Arêdes, Rayanne Layssa
Joelton Ivson
Angélica Alves
Paulo Clécio
Conde e Banda Só Brega “Azafama”
/ Believe Music (Polydisc)